A Little Guide to Glimmers: A Hilarious How-To for Happiness (Mostly)

Okay, so you’re probably thinking “Glimmers? What are those, some kind of magical fairy dust?” And you wouldn’t be entirely wrong.

See, Glimmers are these tiny, elusive creatures that flit around our lives, often unnoticed. They’re like the opposite of those pesky Triggers that love to ambush you with anxiety and self-doubt.

Here’s the deal:

  • Glimmers are tiny moments of awe. Like that time you saw a squirrel wearing a tiny acorn hat. (Okay, maybe that one’s a stretch, but you get the idea.)
  • They spark joy and evoke inner calm. Think: a perfectly brewed cup of coffee, a cat purring contentedly on your lap, or that one song that always makes you want to dance (even if you’re terrible at it.)
  • They have a positive effect on our mental health. Basically, they’re like tiny mood boosters, giving your brain a little pat on the back.
  • They are micro-moments causing tiny mood shifts. You know, like when your dog gives you that goofy grin, or you finally figure out how to parallel park without hitting anything.
  • They send cues of safety to our nervous system. So, you can finally relax and enjoy that delicious slice of cake without worrying about the calories. (Please don’t eat the whole cake though.)

And here’s the best part:

  • Once we start embracing them, it can become a beautiful way to see the world around you. It’s like putting on magical glasses that make everything seem a little bit brighter, a little bit more magical.

So, there you have it. Your official guide to Glimmers. Now go forth and collect them all! (But don’t forget to eat your vegetables.)

Disclaimer: This guide is not intended to be a substitute for actual therapy or professional advice. It’s just a fun way to look at the little things that bring joy to our lives.


4 responses to “A Little Guide to Glimmers: A Hilarious How-To for Happiness (Mostly)”

  1. ALLY Avatar


    1. Elizabeth Avatar

      Thank you Ally!!! You are an inspiration!!

  2. Sarah Talbert Avatar
    Sarah Talbert

    Love this !! One glimmer, was driving behind 2 cars that were side by side- a dog in each car was falling in love with the other dog!!they just gazed into each other’s eyes!!πŸ’•πŸΎπŸ’•

    1. Elizabeth Avatar

      I love this!!! What an amazing thing to witness!