Author: Elizabeth

  • The Strength of Resilience

    Maya Angelou, a poet and writer of profound wisdom, reminds us that life’s journey is not always paved with sunshine and roses. We will encounter setbacks, disappointments, and even outright defeats. These challenges, these moments of darkness, can feel like insurmountable obstacles, threatening to crush our spirit and define us by our failures.

    But Angelou offers a powerful counterpoint: “You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated.” She reminds us that setbacks are not synonymous with failure. They are opportunities for growth, for self-discovery, for learning and evolving.

    “In fact,” she continues, “it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” These experiences, these trials, chisel at the rough edges of our character, revealing the strength and resilience within. They teach us our limits, but also confront our fears, to dig deep within ourselves and find the courage to rise above the pain.

    And even when life throws us curve balls, even when we feel like we’ve been knocked down and can’t get back up, Angelou reminds us that we have the power to choose our response. “I can be changed by what happens to me,” she writes, “but I refuse to be reduced by it.”

    We can be shaped by our experiences, influenced by the challenges we face, but we are not defined by them. We have the agency to choose how we respond, to learn from our setbacks, to rise above adversity, and to emerge stronger, wiser, and more adaptable.

    Trauma may leave scars, but every scar is proof of your strength – evidence that you endured, and a reminder that healing is possible. Just as a tree grows stronger with each storm, we too can emerge from life’s challenges more resilient, more deeply rooted, and more capable of flourishing.

    Resilience isn’t about erasing the storm – it’s about discovering the strength to dance in the rain and the courage to see the rainbow beyond it. It’s about acknowledging the pain, honoring the scars, and choosing to move forward, not despite the storm, but because of it!

    So, let us embrace the challenges, learn from our defeats, and remember that even in the darkest of times, there is always the possibility of hope and renewal. Let us strive to be like the phoenix, rising from the ashes, stronger and more beautiful than ever before.

  • Decide

    The mind, a battlefield where thoughts wage war. Self-doubt, a relentless general, marshals anxieties, fears, and regrets into a overwhelming army. “Nothing kills you faster than your own mind,” a voice whispers, a stark reminder of the internal struggle that can consume us. We fret over the weather, the traffic, the opinions of others – things utterly beyond our control. We waste precious energy on scenarios that may never materialize. It’s a futile exercise, a draining of vitality.

    “Decide what kind of life you want. And then say no to everything that isn’t that.” This is the battle cry, the rallying point for the soul. It’s about clarity, about knowing your worth, about setting boundaries. It’s about recognizing that your time, your energy, your happiness are precious commodities, not to be squandered on distractions, on the noise of the world.

    But what if the path is unclear? What if the map is torn, and the compass is lost? “You are the greatest project you’ll ever work on. Restart. Reset. Refocus. As many times as you need.” This is the permission slip to embrace imperfection, to acknowledge that detours are inevitable, that falling down is part of the journey. It’s about self-compassion, about understanding that growth is not linear, that setbacks are opportunities for learning, for recalibrating, for charting a new course.

    So let the mind be still. Let the noise fade. Focus on the vision, on the life you truly desire. Say no to the distractions, to the things that drain your energy, to the voices that whisper doubt. And when you stumble, when you fall, remember that you are the architect of your own destiny. Restart. Reset. Refocus. And rise again, stronger, wiser, more aligned with your true self.

  • A Little Guide to Glimmers: A Hilarious How-To for Happiness (Mostly)

    Okay, so you’re probably thinking “Glimmers? What are those, some kind of magical fairy dust?” And you wouldn’t be entirely wrong.

    See, Glimmers are these tiny, elusive creatures that flit around our lives, often unnoticed. They’re like the opposite of those pesky Triggers that love to ambush you with anxiety and self-doubt.

    Here’s the deal:

    • Glimmers are tiny moments of awe. Like that time you saw a squirrel wearing a tiny acorn hat. (Okay, maybe that one’s a stretch, but you get the idea.)
    • They spark joy and evoke inner calm. Think: a perfectly brewed cup of coffee, a cat purring contentedly on your lap, or that one song that always makes you want to dance (even if you’re terrible at it.)
    • They have a positive effect on our mental health. Basically, they’re like tiny mood boosters, giving your brain a little pat on the back.
    • They are micro-moments causing tiny mood shifts. You know, like when your dog gives you that goofy grin, or you finally figure out how to parallel park without hitting anything.
    • They send cues of safety to our nervous system. So, you can finally relax and enjoy that delicious slice of cake without worrying about the calories. (Please don’t eat the whole cake though.)

    And here’s the best part:

    • Once we start embracing them, it can become a beautiful way to see the world around you. It’s like putting on magical glasses that make everything seem a little bit brighter, a little bit more magical.

    So, there you have it. Your official guide to Glimmers. Now go forth and collect them all! (But don’t forget to eat your vegetables.)

    Disclaimer: This guide is not intended to be a substitute for actual therapy or professional advice. It’s just a fun way to look at the little things that bring joy to our lives.

  • Reflection: Life is a Paradox

    “Life is a paradox. In order to heal you must hurt, in order to love you must break open and in order to have peace you must face chaos. Never regret any experience in your life, because it is always meant to bring you balance. The light always follows.”

    Life is a paradox. It demands we embrace the contradictions, the inherent duality of existence. Healing, a journey often paved with pain, requires us to acknowledge the wounds, to confront the hurt. Love, a force both ecstatic and agonizing, resuscitates vulnerability, a willingness to break open and expose our inner selves, risking both joy and heartbreak. Peace, elusive and fragile, can only be found amidst the chaos, by navigating the turbulent currents of life rather than trying to suppress them.

    Never regret any experience. Each encounter, each twist of fate, each stumble and triumph, contributes to the intricate tapestry of our being. Pain, loss, and disillusionment, while undeniably difficult, often serve as catalysts for growth, forcing us to confront our limitations and discover hidden reserves of strength. Joy, love, and success, while exhilarating, can also blind us to our own weaknesses and hinder our ability to learn and evolve.

    The light always follows. This is the enduring truth, the promise that even in the darkest of nights, dawn will eventually break. It is a reminder to hold onto hope, to persevere through adversity, to believe that even in the midst of chaos, there is a profound order, a hidden harmony waiting to be discovered.

    This quote serves as a powerful reminder that life is a journey of constant evolution, a dance between light and shadow, pain and joy, chaos and peace. By embracing the paradoxes, by learning from every experienced, and by holding onto the belief that the light always follows, we can navigate the complexities of existence with grace and resilience.

  • The First Rambling

    January 1, 2025 Journal Entry.

    This year is brand new, a blank canvas promising fresh starts. Yet, here I am, staring at it with a furrowed brow, the weight of indecision settling heavily on my shoulders. What kind of “career” will I pursue? The question hangs in the air, mocking me with its simplicity.

    This morning, a fleeting idea sparked within me – a blog. I imagined myself pouring my thoughts onto a digital page, sharing my musings with the world. But the enthusiasm quickly fizzled out, replaced by a wave of self-doubt. What would I even write about? Who would care about my ramblings?

    Last night, I had contemplated becoming a life coach. After all, hadn’t life thrown enough curve balls my way to qualify me as an expert in navigating its twists and turns? Past relationships, the battle with cancer, the constant self-reflection – they had all left their mark, shaping me into someone different, someone wiser. But then, the imposter syndrome crept in. Wouldn’t the ones who had learned the hard way, be the best at giving advice?

    My brain feels like a sponge, desperate to absorb knowledge. My college degree in Sociology and Psychology seem inadequate now. I crave more, a deeper understanding of the human psyche, a connection to something beyond the tangible. And what about that intuitive side of me, the one that whispers of spiritual mediumship? Where do I find the space, the balance, to explore these burgeoning interests?

    The pain in my back, a constant, unwelcome reminder of the cancer that once held me captive, is a heavy anchor. The T4 vertebra, where they extracted a piece of my bone, throbs with a dull ache, a haunting echo of the past. Is it back? The fear, like a venomous spider, spins a web of anxiety in my mind.

    We are all haunted, aren’t we? By ghosts of the past, by unfulfilled dreams, by the nagging feeling that we are somehow lost, adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

  • She Isn’t Poetry

    The mirror reflected a stranger, Not the one she’d spent years building, the ones with carefully crafted personas and polished edges, but something raw, unfiltered. Her hair was a mess, a wild bird’s nest defying gravity. Her eyes, usually bright and sparkling, were dull, reflecting a weariness that seeped into her bones.

    She’d always wanted to be poetry. Flowing, graceful, every word a carefully chosen gem. But life, it seemed, had other plans. It was a messy, chaotic, unrehearsed performance, filled with stumbles, missteps, and moments of sheer panic.

    The poem’s words echoed in her mind: “People are not poetry.” And she realized, with a sudden clarity, that it wasn’t a criticism, but a liberation. She wasn’t meant to be a sonnet, a haiku, a perfectly structured ode. She was a symphony, a whirlwind of emotions, a chaotic explosion of colors. She was a story, unfinished and ever evolving.

    The pressure to fit into a neat little box, to conform to the expectations of others, began to crumble. She could be messy, she could stumble and fall. And that was okay. She could be herself.

    A wave of relief washed over her. It was okay to be rough around the edges, to be bruised and scarred. It was okay to not have all the answers, to not know where she was going.

    She looked at her reflection again, not with disdain, but with a newfound acceptance. She was a work in progress, a story still being written. And that, she realized, was beautiful.

    She wasn’t poetry. She was something more. She was human.

    And that was enough.

  • A Poem: Survivor’s Guilt

    The mirror shows a stranger, scars a map,
    Of battles fought, a life upon the scrap.
    Chemotherapy’s ghost, a lingering ache,
    A constant fear, a soul that can’t escape.
    The whispers rise, “You’re lucky, you’re alive,”
    But echoes linger, of those who didn’t thrive.
    The vacant chairs, the faces lost to time,
    A haunting chorus, a constant, grim rhyme.
    Survivor’s guilt, a heavy, leaden cloak,
    A shadow dancing, a soul that’s lost its spoke.
    “Why me?” she cries, “Why did I survive?”
    While others perished, beneath a fading sky.
    The joy of living, a bittersweet embrace,
    A fragile gift, a tear-stained, weary face.
    Gratitude mingles with a deep abiding pain,
    For those who vanished, in the endless rain.
    But strength emerges, from the depths of despair,
    A newfound purpose, a love beyond compare.
    To cherish moments, to savor every breath,
    And honor those lost, in life and in death.
    To advocate, to raise a helping hand,
    To walk beside those facing the unknown land.
    To find solace in the shared, unspoken plight,
    And find the courage, to embrace the light.
    For even in the shadows, hope can still reside,
    A flicker in the darkness, a newfound stride.
    To live each day, a precious, fragile art,
    A survivor’s journey, a brave, courageous heart.
    The Echo in Elizabeth’s Mind
    (written by Elizabeth Proett)

  • A Poem: Take That Step

    You do not need to solve your life in a day,
    No need to fix everything tonight, it’s okay.
    The mountain looms large, a daunting sight,
    But take one step, with all your might.

    One step at a time, that’s the key,
    Don’t get overwhelmed, set your mind free.
    No sweeping motions, no grand design,
    Just steady progress, one step at a time.

    Change comes slowly, a gentle tide,
    As you move forward, with nothing to hide.
    Embrace the journey, the twists and the turns,
    Let go of perfection, let your spirit burn.

    So take that step, don’t delay,
    Embrace the present, seize the day.
    One step at a time, you’ll reach your goal,
    A life in motion, taking control.

    Written by Elizabeth Proett

  • A Poem: My Search for Love

    -The sun descends, a fiery kiss, Painting the clouds with hues of bliss. A hush descends, the world grows dim, And in my heart, a longing swims.

    For in the twilight’s gentle sway, My soul embarks, come what may. A quest for love, a whispered plea, To find the one destined for me.

    Through moonlit paths and starlit skies, My weary heart forever tries. To chase the dream, the fleeting grace, Of finding love in this vast space.

    Though shadows lengthen, hope remains, A flicker bright, that love sustains. And in the dark, I softly yearn, For a love that will forever burn.

    Perhaps tonight, beneath the moon’s soft gaze, My love will bloom in a wondrous maze. And in that meeting, I will find, The peace and joy my soul designed.

    Elizabeth Proett