
The mind, a battlefield where thoughts wage war. Self-doubt, a relentless general, marshals anxieties, fears, and regrets into a overwhelming army. “Nothing kills you faster than your own mind,” a voice whispers, a stark reminder of the internal struggle that can consume us. We fret over the weather, the traffic, the opinions of others – things utterly beyond our control. We waste precious energy on scenarios that may never materialize. It’s a futile exercise, a draining of vitality.

“Decide what kind of life you want. And then say no to everything that isn’t that.” This is the battle cry, the rallying point for the soul. It’s about clarity, about knowing your worth, about setting boundaries. It’s about recognizing that your time, your energy, your happiness are precious commodities, not to be squandered on distractions, on the noise of the world.

But what if the path is unclear? What if the map is torn, and the compass is lost? “You are the greatest project you’ll ever work on. Restart. Reset. Refocus. As many times as you need.” This is the permission slip to embrace imperfection, to acknowledge that detours are inevitable, that falling down is part of the journey. It’s about self-compassion, about understanding that growth is not linear, that setbacks are opportunities for learning, for recalibrating, for charting a new course.

So let the mind be still. Let the noise fade. Focus on the vision, on the life you truly desire. Say no to the distractions, to the things that drain your energy, to the voices that whisper doubt. And when you stumble, when you fall, remember that you are the architect of your own destiny. Restart. Reset. Refocus. And rise again, stronger, wiser, more aligned with your true self.


2 responses to “Decide”

  1. Mike maly Avatar
    Mike maly

    Very beautifully written and inspiring!
    This is what you were meant to do!

    1. Elizabeth Avatar

      Thank you for your kind words!